1/21 Basic Firearm Safety for your LTC/FID, Holbrook MA, 9:00AM
Saturday, Jan 21, 2023
9:00am – 3:00pm
Total cost for this course is $125 per student. At the conclusion of the course, students will have the option to participate in a live fire shooting lesson at an additional cost of $75.
Classroom will be completely sanitized prior to class start. Hand sanitizer will be available for students. Instructors for this course will be Ryan Butler or Joe Morgan, their credentials can be found here.
Students can find important information by clicking on the links below:
- LTC/FID Application
- Massachusetts Assault Weapons Ban Information
- General Massachusetts Law Information
- Frequently Asked Questions regarding storage, transportation, etc.
This class will provide the certificate needed to apply for your Massachusetts license to carry (LTC) or firearms identification card (FID). An in-depth explanation of basic firearm safety, laws and regulations, and how to fill out your application will be discussed in class. Live fire is not included in this class, but is available to students who require it on an appointment basis.
Event Location
Outer Limits Pro Shop Training Room148 Centre Street
Holbrook, MA, 02343