7/28 Multi-State/Utah Course – Holbrook, MA 10AM

Sunday, Jul 28, 2024

10:00am – 3:00pm

This course includes the Utah Permit training. After the Utah permit training is completed, an introduction to various interstate transportation and federal laws will be presented. Following class, students will be given the option to qualify for a Rhode Island non resident permit, which requires a shooting test at a local range. If you would like JUST the Utah training, the cost is $110. If you want to qualify for the RI permit, an additional cost of $65 will incur. A current LTC or prior safety training is a pre-requisite to take this class. Please click here for a copy of the Utah Curriculum.

Your instructor for this course will be Joe Morgan, his credentials can be found here.

Event Location

Outer Limits Pro Shop
148 Centre Street
Holbrook, MA, 02343

Event Fees

Utah FEE
$ 110.00
Add RI Live Fire Qualification?
$ 65.00